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Modbus RTU cellulare Internet of Things (8DI, 6AI, 4Relay, 1TH, USB, RS485, 320 tag I/O estesi)

S 275

Modulo di acquisizione dati analogico 4CH

Dam 116

8DI + 8AI + 8DO Modulo IO remoto Ethernet

M160 M160

Modbus BACnet to OPC UA BMS Protocol Converter BA112


IEC104 PLC Modbus Condizionatore d'aria a BACnet BMS Protocol Converter BA110

BA 110

Modbus to BACnet/IP Building Automation Protocol Converter BA100

BA 100

Gateway Modbus BACnet to MQTT IBMS Industrial Internet of Things BA113


RTU cellulare M2M Internet of Things (8DIN, 6AIN/PT100, 4Relay, 1TH, USB, RS485)

S 272

Modulo di ingresso digitale remoto 4DI

Dam 108

8DIN + 4AIN + 4DO Modulo IO remoto (MQTT, Modbus)


Sistema eolico solare fotovoltaico

EdgeIO BL206

Modbus to BACnet/IP Building Automation Protocol Converter BA100

BA 100

Modbus IEC104 DLT645 BACnet to OPC UA Protocol Converter BL121ML


Modbus to OPC UA Industrial Protocol Gateway BL121

BL 121

Building Automation HVAC Industrial Internet of Things Gateway BA115
